a Horse

Adopt a Horse Application Form

Please Note: Adoption radius is within 4-5 hours of Beaudesert Sanctuary outside of this is under consideration and with special terms.

"*" indicates required fields

Your Details

We currently only adopt to residents of Queensland and NSW who live within a 4 hour radius of our current Sanctuary.

So we can find the right horse for you, please provide us with the following details:

Your Preferences

Please read the assessment for the horse you are interested in. If you are a beginner rider please do NOT apply for a horse that has been listed as not for beginners. Your application will not be considered.

Interested Horse
Please select ALL options that apply to your intentions for this horse:*

Your Property

Type of fencing*

Your Experience

Do you currently own a horse?*
Is this horse intended for you or another person?*
How many years of horse experience do you have?*
Would you describe yourself as being nervous around horses*
How long have you been riding?*
How would you describe your riding ability?*

Note that beginners who apply for horses listed as not for beginners will not be considered.

How would you rate your confidence when riding?*
When walking on a horse you are:*
When trotting on a horse you are:*
When cantering on a horse you are:*
Do you have riding lessons or coaching?*
Do you have current membership of an equine affiliated club or association?*

Your Referees

Please provide details of two referees within the horse industry who can support your application and advise on your experience or abilities and suitability to adopt (referees can not be not related to you). References from vets, farriers, coaches, agistment owners are preferred. to Email photos of Your Property (pasture, water source, shade/shelter, and fencing)+ if applying for a ridden horse please also provide riding video (Walk, Trot, Canter). OR Upload below
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 1 MB, Max. files: 10.