Catalina (Tuscan Doll)

Catalina was purchased at the October 2023 Laidley sales. She underwent rehab to improve condition and be brought up to date on vet work. As part of the OTT Program Catalina went offsite training with David Perkins.

Meshindi is a lovely thoroughbred gelding with lots of personality. After being adopted in early 2022 he has returned to SAHA due to change in circumstances of adopter. He is great to catch, handle, shoe etc, however he is a problem floater and best suited to angle load float. Suited to confident experienced rider for […]

Nik was rescued from the April 2023 Laidley sales. It was discovered he was an unraced thoroughbred whose previous owner with whom he shared a special bond was tragically killed in a car accident. He is a lovely solid boy who will suit a confident experienced rider for farm work/trail riding. As part of the […]
Xena (Thai Harder)

Xena came to us from a person who had taken her out of a neglect situation. We were told Xena was aggressive at feed time with other horses. We put Xena onto Chasteberry powder, and she is now comfortably paddocked with a mare and gelding, with no issues. Xena is proving to be a nice […]

Tricolour was surrendered to SAHA from a breeder that went broke. In the space of a few weeks 12 horses came in. She was one of the group that was unbroken with very little handling. Since coming into SAHA, Tricolour was brought up to date on all vaccinations and has completed an 8-week training session […]
Tier (For All To Envy)

SUITED RIDER: Confident experienced rider SUITED DISCIPLINE: Dressage, show, pleasure, trails etc EASY TO: float, tack up, worm, farrier, rug, catch, lead, wash and groom VICES: Nil Tier went through the 2022 Northern Rivers floods. She got her legs ripped up in fencing and needed months of treatment and bandaging to heal her. Tier is […]

Sapphire was surrendered to SAHA from a breeder that went broke. 12 horses came in the space of a few weeks including Sapphire and her full sister Roxy. Sapphire has been professionally broken in by Stuart Clunes. Sapphire is a nice mare that would do well in any discipline. Stuart does say that trail riding […]