Danny was a successful racehorse – once trained by Gai Waterhouse. Unfortunately Danny now suffers from arthritis, making him unrideable. He was adopted out but has suffered from a virus which he hasn’t been able to shake and he has been unwell and not able to gain weight and so we have taken him back into care. We are now working on getting his weight up and boosting his immune system. Unfortunately Danny began to show symptoms of anhidrosis – which is an inability to sweat adequately to keep a normal body temperature. It is a very difficult condition to manage in a hot climate like Queensland and although we did everything we could, including changing his diet, acupunture and keeping him in a stall with two massive fans, sadly nothing helped. We had a 30C day and he could not cope with the heat and no matter what we tried, we could not get his temperature down and he went into heat stress. There was nothing we could do and unfortunately the most humane thing was to euthanise.