Peaches was rescued after her mother died. Unfortunately the kind people who rescued her, had no experience with orphan foals and so they surrendered her to us. Peaches came to us very skinny – undernourished and dehydrated. It is believed her mother was quite emaciated, so her nutrition had not been great. Thankfully her IgG levels were good and so a plasma infusion was not necessary. She did require IV fluids and drenching with milk to rehydrate her, as she refused to take a bottle or drink from a bucket. Fortunately our super nanny mare, Piper, also allowed Peaches to feed from her – in addition to the 2 other orphan foals she was feeding! Unfortunately, Peaches came to us very undernourished due to starvation. She had no muscle tone and was very weak – unable to get back up by herself after lying down. She required intensive care and was transferred to the University of Qld Equine Hospital for specialist foal critical care. After tests, it was confirmed that Peaches was suffering from the effects of Cryptosporidium, a parasite that can cause terrible gut problems. This was another setback for Peaches but after critical care nursing, she fought back and came home to the Gold Coast sanctuary. Because Peaches had been so weak and sick, it was too dangerous for her to be wormed and so her vets recommended waiting until she was stronger. Finally, when she was strong enough, we all held our breath and she was treated with colic medication in an attempt to prevent worming colic. Huge worms came out of the poor little thing but unfortunately she began scouring and was in pain. She was taken back to UQ Equine Hospital for further treatment. Once again, Peaches rallied and fought against her health issues. She returned to the Gold Coast Sanctuary and focused on growing like a healthy foal would. We’re not sure if Peaches will reach her full height due to her very difficult start in life but she will have every opportunity to be nurtured into an adult mare. She will stay with us until she is fully mature so that we can be sure she has everything she needs before we consider rehoming her.