Leaving a charitable bequest in your Will is one of the easiest ways you can leave a lasting impact on the horses.
Leaving a bequest
Leaving a charitable bequest in your Will is one of the easiest ways you can leave a lasting impact on the horses.
A bequest may be made by including language in your Will or Trust directing that a gift be donated to Save A Horse Australia.
We suggest you consult with your solicitor or a legal advisor when preparing your will to ensure you have conformed with all the legal requirements.
If you have already included Save A Horse Australia in your Will or are considering doing so, we would appreciate you letting us know. This way we can thank you personally and keep you updated on our work. Written confirmation be sent to SAHA –
If you are considering a bequest, you may need to provide your solicitor with the following important information:
Name and details of the organisation:
Save a Horse Australia Inc
PO Box 673
Southport BC 4215
ABN: 97 212 703 053 ARBN: 617 104 800
Tax Status: Registered not for profit organisation with deductible gift recipient status (all donations over $2 are tax deductible)
Specific wording for a monetary gift should be: