Donating is one way you can help the horses and give them not only a safe haven and a loving environment but a place where they are given the time to heal and be rehabilitated.
We have been accepting surrendered horses for a very long time but currently due to funding and space limitations we have had to become more specific on the horses we can accept.
However, this comes at a huge cost and much-needed donations help to provide feed, supplements, medical treatments when they are ill, have their feet trimmed and their annual dentals and vaccinations.
Many of our rescue horses have now been rehabilitated but are waiting on their forever homes to come along, but we still need to provide and care for them until this happens.
With your help we can continue with making sure many others will also experience the feeling of being loved and cared for and never feel hungry again.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
If you are interested in sponsoring a particular horse instead, please click here
If you would instead like to make a regular recurring donation, please scroll down to see the options.
We know that not everyone is able to commit to a regular donation. However, when you make a single donation, you are helping us to pay our every day expenses, including vet, farrier, feed and transport. Please choose an amount and proceed through to the online checkout to receive your automatic receipt. Payment options include Credit Card, PayPal and Direct Deposit (direct deposit – Australia only).
When you set up a donation on a regular basis, you help us to rescue and rehabilitate even more horses. Having regular donations coming in helps us to plan and know that our invoices can be covered. It lets us concentrate on the horses and not stress about the bills. In running the sanctuary, our ongoing costs are enormous and ever increasing.
Please note that you can pause or cancel your donation whenever you choose. If you have any queries regarding donating or recurring payments – details are provided on the form. Payment options include Credit Card and Direct Deposit (direct deposit – Australia only).
Save A Horse Australia is a registered charity and deductible gift recipient. All donations over $2 are fully tax deductible.
For those that recycle bottles and cans via Containers for Change you can donate those funds directly to us by using ID number: C10521368