Gilly was on his way to be processed when he was saved by SAHA. His friendly nature and his kind eye had our hearts.
Gilly was in lean condition when we brought him to the sanctuary and he gained weight well. He had a paddock injury which cut the bulb of his foot off which was put in a cast. A week after having the cast taken off, Gilly managed to repeat the same injury, so it was decided to take the bulb off his foot and let it heal up.
Gilly liked to make sure everyone knows that he is the boss and will demand you pay him all of the attention you have to give.
He was easy to handle, and loved being spoilt by the sanctuary volunteers. He was one of Saha’s much loved Golden Oldies.
28th October 2024 – Gilly had a severe colic episode and under vet’s advice sadly we had to say goodbye.