Madge came into SAHA with paddock buddy Vader when he returned from adoption due to adoptees poor health. This sweet old girl will be brought up to date with her vet work before being available for adoption.
Sacred (Sacred Sioux)
Sacred came into care after SAHA was notified of 2 standardbred mares that had been left unhandled in a paddock for many years. The older of the 2 and in emaciated condition with shocking feet, this sweet old mare has begun her rehab and being brought up to date with her vet work.
Alby (Albert of Monaco)
Alby was rescued from ending up on the dogger truck, however they were unable to keep him, so SAHA was his last chance. This lovely big boy has raced and bit of a mystery where he has been in the last 5 years since finishing racing. Currently he is in rehab to improve condition and […]
Cash was surrendered as owners could not afford his rig surgery. Once he recovers from surgery and brought up to date on vet work he will be assessed and available for adoption.
Gemma (Pearly Avenue)
Gemma is a lovely raced thoroughbred mare; she was purchased for daughter who lost her interest in horses and spent the last few years in a paddock with only cows for company. Once up to date on her vet work, she will be assessed under saddle.
Alec was an orphaned foal that sadly lost his mother, and owners could not afford the critical care that was required to save his life. He was rushed to West Vets for urgent critical care as foals are extremely fragile and unfortunately, he had received none of his mother’s colostrum, which is vital after birth. […]
Nevaeh (Morning Rainbow)
Nevaeh and her yearling foal (Amity) were rescued from Laidley sales in 2019. In poor condition it was then discovered she was also in foal and delivered a beautiful colt (Legacy). After she was healthy and back in good condition and she was assessed under saddle and showed to be a lovely riding horse. In […]